
CHEONGTAG KIM (김청택, 金淸澤)

Contact Information

Department of Psychology
Seoul National University
Seoul, 151-746, Korea
Tel) +82-2-880-6076    Fax) +82-2-880-6428
home) http://qpsy.snu


1993-1998Ph.D. Department of Psychology (Quantitative Program), Ohio State University
Advisors: Dr. Robert MacCallum and Dr. In Jae Myung
Title of dissertation: Modeling individual differences in mathematical psychology
1987-1993Ph.D. Student Department of Psychology (Cognitive Program), Seoul National University Seoul Korea
1985-1987M.A. Department of Psychology (Cognitive Program), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1981-1985B.A. Department of Psychology, (Minor: Computer Science and Statistics), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Academic Appointments

2020-Joint Professor of Artificial Intelligence Institute at Seoul National University
2020-2022Joint Professor of Graduate School of Data Sciences at Seoul National University
2017-2019Dean of College of Liberal Studies
2013-2015Deputy Director of Seoul National University Asia Center
2012-2013Associate Dean of College of Liberal Studies
2009-2010Associate Dean (Academic Affairs) of College of Social Sciences
2006-2008Director of Institude of Psychological Science
2004-2006Chair of Department of Psychology
2008-Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science Program
2003-2008Associate Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science Program
1998-2003Assistant Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science Program

Professional Activities

2017-2019President of Korean Society of Psychological Measurement and Assessment
2015-2016President of Korean Association of Survey Research
2012-2014Editor of Survey Reserach (Korean Association of Survey Research)
2000-2014Editorial Board of Survey Research (Korea)
2013-2015Vice President of Korean Association of Survey Research
2012-2013Vice President of Korean Society of Cognitive Science
2006-2007Director of Korean Psychological Association
2004-2006Editorial Board of Korean Journal of Experimental Psychology


in English

  • Jeon, D. Lee, J. & Kim, C. (2024). User Guide for KOTE: Korean Online That-gul Emotions Dataset. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 17254–17270, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.
  • Lee, J & Kim, C. (2023). A Structure of basic emotions: A review of basic emotion theories using an emotionally fine-tuned language model. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
  • Chung H.J, et al. (2020). Development of the Korean Developmental Screening Test for Infants and Children (K-DST). Clinical Experimental Pediatrics, 63(11), 438-446. doi: 10.3345/cep.2020.00640.
  • Suh, Y., Yu, J., Mo, J, Song, L, & Kim (2017). A Comparison of Oversampling Methods on Imbalanced Topic Classification of Korean News Articles, Journal of Cognitive Science, 18, 391-437.
  • Shin, N.Y. Lim, Y.J. Yang, C.H., & Kim, C (2017). Acupuncture for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Meta-Analysis, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  • Yang, C.H., Choi, S.H. Kim, J. S. Ryu, Y.H. Lim, Y. J., Kim, M. S., Sohn, J. W., Oh, S., Kim, C., & Lee, M.Y. (2017). The Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation for Brain Activation and Alcohol Abstinence Self-Efficacy: Functional MRI Study, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  • Noh, Y., Lee, D. D., Yang, K., Kim, C., Zhang, B. (2015). Molecular Learning with DNA Kernel Machines, Biosystems, 137, 73-83.
  • Preacher, K. J., Zhang, G., Kim, C., & Mels, G. (2013). Choosing the optimal number of factors in exploratory factor analysis: A model selection perspective. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 48, 28-56.
  • Rhee, H-S., Kim, C., & Ryu Y. U. (2009). Self-efficacy in information security: Its influence on end users’ information security practice behavior, Computer and Security, 28, 816-826.
  • Rhee, H-S., Riggins, F. J., & Kim, C. (2009). The impact of product type and perceived characteristics of the web on multifaceted online shopping behavior. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 19, 1-19.
  • Rhee, H-S., Ryu, YU, & Kim, C. (2005). I am fine but you are not: Optimistic bias and illusion of control on information security. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Information System, 381-395.
  • Browne, M. W., MacCallum, R. C., Kim, C., Anderson, B. L., & Glaser, R. (2002). When fit indices and residuals are incompatible. Psychological Methods, 7, 403-421.
  • Lee, S. M., Kim, C., & Kim, M. (2002). Developing a domain-referenced test given a selection ratio and a cut-off score: An application of Item Response Theory. In H. Yanai, O. Akinori, S. Kazuo, K.Yutaka, &  J. Meulman (Eds.), New Developments in Psychometrics,Tokyo, Japan: Springer-Verlag.
  • Kim, C. (2001) A two stage model of conditional reasoning, Journal of Cognitive Science, 1, 121-136.
  • Myung, I. J., Kim, C., Pitt, M. (2000). Toward an explanation of the power law artifact: Insight from Response Surface Analysis. Memory and Cognition, 28 , 832-840.
  • Staats, S., Pierfelice, K., Kim, C., & Crandell, R. (1999). The theoretical model for human health and the pet connection. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 214, 483-487.
  • MacCallum, R. C., & Kim, C. (2000). Modeling multivariate change. In T. D. Little, K. U. Schnabel, & U. Lindenberg (Eds.), Modeling Longitudinal and Multiple-Group Data: Practical Issues, Applied Approaches, and Specific Examples. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Robinson-Whelen, S. L., Kim, C., MacCallum, R. C., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (1997). Distinguishing optimism from pessimism in older adults: Is it more important to be optimistic or to not be pessimistic? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 1345-1353.
  • MacCallum, R. C., Kim, C., Malarkey, W. B., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (1997). Studying multivariate change using multilevel models. Multivariate Behavioral Research,32, 215-253.
  • Myung, I. J., Kim, C., & and Levy, W. B. (1997). Context-dependent recognition in a self-organizing recurrent network. In M. Shafto & P.Langley (Eds.), Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp 530-535, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., Glaser, R., Cacioppo, J. T., MacCallum, R. C., Snydersmith, M., Kim, C., & Malarkey, W. B.(1997). Marital conflict in older adults: Endocrinological and immunological correlates, Psychosomatic Medicine, 59, 339-349.
  • Kim, C., & Myung, I. J. (1995). Incorporating real-time random effects in neural networks: A temporal summation mechanism. In J.D. Moore & J.F. Lehman (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 472-477, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associate.

in Korean

  • Jung, J., Kim, C., Kim, K. K. (2020). Development and evaluation of psychometric properties of Korean Adolescent Alcohol Problem Index. Survey Research, 21(3), 87-111. http:/
    제갈정, ‧ 김청택, 김광기 (2020). 한국 청소년용 문제음주자 선별도구 개발 및 심리측정학 특성 평가, 조사연구, 21(3), 87-111.
  • Shin, J. C., Kim, C., Park, H. Y., & Le, S. (2020). Analysis of the actors, patterns and issues of school closure policy according to the public opinion on corona-19: Focusing on newspapers big data and government’s press releases. Korean Journal of Educational Administration, 38(3), 77-100. http:/
    신정철, 김청택, 박혜연, 이수민 (2020). 코로나-19에 관한 여론 추이에 따른 교육정책의 참여자, 양상 및 이슈 분석 : 언론기사 빅데이터 및 교육부 보도자료 분석을 중심으로. 교육행정학연구, 38(3), 77-100
  • Kim, C. (2019). Studying psychology using big data. Korean Journal of Psychology: General, 38(4), 519-548.
    김청택 (2019). 빅데이터를 이용한 심리학 연구 방법. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 38(4), 519-548
  • Park, S. Park. H., & Kim, C. (2019). A Comparison between Factor Structure and Semantic Representation of Personality Test Items Using Latent Semantic Analysis. Korean Journal of Cognitive Science, 30(3), 133-156.
    박성준, 박희영, 김청택 (2019). 잠재의미분석을 활용한 성격검사문항의 의미표상과 요인구조의 비교. 인지과학, 30(3), 133-156.
  • Kim, C. (2019). Statistics for Social Sciences: with application in R. Seoul: Hakjisa.
    김청택 (2019). 사회과학을 위한 고급 통계학: R을 이용한 분석. 서울:학지사.
  • Kim, C. (2016). Misuse of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Its Remedies. Survey Research, 17(1), 1-29.
    김청택 (2016). 탐색적 요인분석의 오․남용 문제와 교정.조사연구, 17(1), 1-29.
  • Kim, C. (2015). Creativity in East Asian Countries. Asia Review, 4(2), 31 – 49.
    김청택 (2015). 동아시아의 창조성. 아시아리뷰, 4(2), 31-49.
  • Kim, K. H., Yoo D., Kim, H. J., & Kim, C. (2015). The Influence of the Questionnaire Length on Response Quality. Survey Research, 16(1), 1-48.
    김권현, 유동주, 김형준, 김청택 (2015). 설문지의 길이가 응답의 질에 미치는 영향. 조사연구, 16(1), 1-48.
  • Kim, C. & Choi, I. C. (2010). Cognitive Biases in Judicial Decision Making. Seoul Law Journal, 51(4), 317-345.
    김청택, 최인철 (2010). 법정의사결정에서의 판사들의 인지편향, 서울대학교 법학, 51(4) , 317-345.
  • Lee, B-T, & Kim, C. (2008). Brain Activation Associated with Set Size during Random Number. Cognitive Science, 18, 57-74.
    이병택, 김청택 (2008). 무선열 생성과제에서 반응후보 수에 따른 뇌활성화 양상, 인지과학, 19, 57-74.
  • Kim, S, Park, C, & Kim, C. (2006). The analysis of U-service experience ability for ubiquitous service evaluation, Survey Research, 7, 1-28.
    김성후, 박창호, 김청택 (2006). 유비쿼터스 서비스 평가를 위한 u-서비스 체험성 분석, 조사연구, 7, 1-28.
  • Kim, C. (2005) Rationality in Empirical Sciences: Logical Approach vs. Psychological Approach. Journal of Philosophical Ideas, 20,3-22.
    김청택(2005). 경험과학에서의 합리성의 개념: 논리학적 접근과 심리학적 접근 철학사상, 20, 2-22.
  • Lee, T. H. & Kim, C. (2004). Representation of ambiguous word in Latent Semantic Analysis. Cognitive Science, 15(2), 23–31.
    이태헌, 김청택(2004). LSA모형에서 다의어 의미의 표상, 인지과학, 15, 23-31.
  • Kim, C. & Han, M (2003). How the representation of probability affects framing effect? The Korean Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15, 181-202.
    김청택, 한민희 (2003). 확률에 대한 표상이 틀효과에 미치는 영향- 확률분포와 위험지각- 한국심리학회지:실험 및 인지, 15(2), 181-202.
  • Kim, C. (2002). How to Incorporate Individual Differences in Experimental Data. Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 14(2), 107-126.
    김청택 (2002). 개인차분석법을 이용한 실험결과의 통계적 분석의 확장. 한국심리학회지:실험 및 인지, 14(2), 107-126.
  • Kim, C. & Lee, T. (2002). Brain and Cognitive Modeling: Text categorization using extended latent semantic analysis. The Korean Journal of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology, 14, 309-319.
    김청택, 이태헌(2002). 뇌와 인지모형: 잠재의미분석을 사용한 문서분류. 한국심리학회지:실험 및 인지, 14(4), 309-320.
  • Kwak, K.J., Park, H. W., & Kim, C. (2002). A Study for the Standardization of Korean WISC-3 (1). The Korean Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15(1), 19-33.
    곽금주, 박혜원, 김청택 (2002). 한국 웩슬러아동지능검사 표준화연구(1): 신뢰도와 타당도. 한국심리학회지:발달, 15(1), 19-33.
  • Lee, S.M., Kim, M.S., Kim, C., Park, J. Sul, H.S., Yoo, T.Y, Lee, D.H., Lim, J.H., & Cho, Y.I. (2002). Development of evaluation factors for selecting government managers. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15(3), 23-47.
    이순묵, 김명소, 김청택, 박정, 설현수, 유태용, 이도형, 임지영, 조영일 (2002). 공직관리 선발용 면접에서의 평가요소 개발. 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 15(3), 23-47.
  • Kim, C. & Lee, S. (2001). The effect of group mean differences upon factor analysis, Survey Research, 2, 109-130.
    김청택, 이소영 (2001). 상관행렬의 구조분석에서 집단평균차이의 효과: 요인분석기법을 중심으로. 조사연구, 2(2), 109-130.
  • Lee, S.M., Kim, C., Kim, M.S., Seol, H. S., Yoo, T. Y, Lee, D. H. & Lim, D.Y. (2001). Rationale and Application of Domain – Referenced Test Development. Korean Journal of Psychology: General, 20(2), 305-325.
    이순묵, 김청택, 김명소, 설현수, 유태용, 이도형, 임대열 (2001). 영역참조적 검사제작의 논리와 적용. 한국심리학회지, 20, 305-325.
  • Kwak, K.J., Park, H. W., & Kim, C. (2001). A Pilot Study for the Standardization of Korean WISC – 3. The Korean Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(3), 43-59.
    곽금주, 박혜원, 김청택 (2001). 한국 웩슬러 아동지능검사 표준화를 위한 예비연구. 한국심리학회지:발달, 14(3), 43-60.